Samhain Ritual Workshop

Sunday, October 30th, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM EST via Zoom


Register for the Workshop


Samhain kicked off the Celtic New Year and was the time to come together to celebrate the harvest, birth, death, and rebirth. In this workshop, you'll honor your ancestors so you can heal past traumas and learn from their experiences.

This Ritual Workshop includes: 

  • Invocation to the Goddess Persephone
  • Ancestral healing practice
  • Ritual to honor the deceased
  • A Samhain card reading to connect to the wisdom of the season.  


During Samhain, we come together to honor and connect with our ancestors. In this ritual workshop, I’ll guide you through an ancestral healing exercise, a ritual to honor the deceased, and offer a Samhain card spread and journaling practice to connect to the season's wisdom.

You’ll also invoke the goddess Persephone. She descends to the Underworld on Samhain to marry Hades. Persephone navigates both the topside world and the Underworld. And in this workshop, you will too.

Samhain Ritual Workshop

Sunday, October 30th, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM EST via Zoom

If you can't make it, no worries. The ritual will be recorded.

Register for the Workshop

Hey, Sister! I'm Lisa Marie, and I can't wait to be your guide.

One of the things I’m committed to is honoring transitions through rituals. Rituals allow us to live our lives with intention and connect with the divine. When we take the time to pause, to recognize what’s going on in the world and our own lives, we stop sleepwalking through life, and we become enlivened. That is, we appreciate the wonder, mystery, and awe of the world around us and our place in it. 

In this Ritual Workshop, we’ll honor Samhain. Samhain kicked off the Celtic New Year and was the time to come together to celebrate the harvest, birth, death, and rebirth. You’ll also honor your ancestors, so you can heal past traumas and learn from their lessons. 

I hope you’ll join me for this inspiring workshop. 

Lisa Marie xx


"If we stand tall, it’s because we stand on the shoulders of many ancestors."

― African Proverb