Here's what you'll get when you join:
- 4 Curated Live Discussions (Valued at $197)
- Discussion questions and reading prompts (Valued at $47)
- Chapter Review Study Sessions ($77)
- Facilitated Private Community (Valued at $47)
- BONUS 1: Exploring Myths + Fairy Tales (Valued at $37)
- BONUS 2: Joyous Body Workshop (Valued at $37)
- BONUS 3: Baba Yaga Goddess Circle (Valued at $37)
- LIFETIME ACCESS (priceless)
Total Value = $402
Today's Price = $27
There are LIVE discussions throughout the month. You choose which discussions to attend depending on where you are in the book. Come to as many as you want.
*The book is not included. You'll need to purchase that on your own.